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  上海武田机电,总部设在上海,在香港,德国,美国,日本均设有分公司,拥有良好的购销渠道,欢迎来电咨询 TEL:0086-21-51085793

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Test couplings for pressure checking Micro hose for high pressure and fittings Portable hydraulic instruments for pressure testing Pressure gauges Pressure gauge anti-shock valves In-line flow indicators Portable hydraulic crimping machine

Mini Press aim and mission, ever since it was founded in 1991, has been one and one only: solving the problem of pressure control and monitoring fluids inside hydraulic systems. After a life long experience in the field, Mr Dario Corsi, the company founder, decided to tackle one of the most common causes of mobile machineries inefficiency: the proper functioning of even the most complex and expensive machines could be thwarted or hindered by a sudden and simple reduction or change in the fluid pressure. The most obvious solution to this problem, but not the simplest, was to create a specific testing system that would allow the immediate control of the pressure inside the machine, without stopping its functioning, at any moment of the working process, in any place, or under any conditions (even the most extreme). Over the past sixteen years of activity, Mini Press has been able to establish itself as one of the major and most qualified producers of hydraulic testing equipment in the world. All of this was achieved through hard work at refining and improving its testing system, and by catching the attention and finding favour with the most attentive and significant manufacturing companies. Mini Press testing method, devised in-house, guarantees efficiency, safety and endurance for all the machines to which it is installed at construction. If prevention is always better than cure, Mini Press products and diagnostic testing method are excellent for avoiding any future malfunctioning and expensive repairs and, at the same time, they can increase the quality and the performance of your machines.

  香港及海外业务:  00852-27828783 传真:00852-30119987
中国大陆地区业务:021-51085793  传真:021-51086107   电邮