Weiss Klimatechnik  
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  上海武田机电,总部设在上海,在香港,德国,美国,日本均设有分公司,拥有良好的购销渠道,欢迎来电咨询 TEL:0086-21-51085793

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Weiss Klimatechnik空气净化装置, Weiss Klimatechnik吸尘器, Weiss Klimatechnik中央集尘系统

Weiss Klimatechnik has been synonymous with pioneering developments and high quality in air conditioning technology all around the world for many decades. Our air conditioning units and systems have proven their effectiveness wherever optimum air conditioning marginal conditions for production processes and procedures are required for both personnel and machines. Weiss Klimatechnik is a successful player in the fields of hygiene air conditioning, clean room air conditioning, air conditioning solutions for data and telecommunications and air conditioning for offices and conference centres. Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH "Test systems for Professionals"

DATACLIMA? TELECLIMA? UNICLIMA? Energy- and Space-Saving Air-Conditioning Solutions MEDICLEAN? Perfect Hygiene Air-Conditioning Solutions for all Functional Areas in Hospitals ULTRACLEAN? ULTRACONSTANT Integrated Air-Conditioning Systems for all Clean Room Classes and Application Areas SERVICE Top Quality for our Customers - All Over the World

  香港及海外业务:  00852-27828783 传真:00852-30119987
中国大陆地区业务:021-51085793  传真:021-51086107   电邮:sales@fcws.biz